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Hi! My name is Jonathan.

Meet Jonathan, a native of Columbia, SC, who grew up in a single-parent household with his mother raising five children. From an early age, Jonathan dreamed of excelling in the entertainment business and becoming the best personal trainer to build his mother's dream house.

His determination led him to join the military, where he earned the name US Marine and set impressive records during basic training. Following his military service, Jonathan pursued higher education while delving into the world of fitness. Under the care and supervision of Tim French of Health Advantage in Columbia, SC, he worked as a personal trainer, laying the foundation for his fitness career.

Eager to chase his dreams, Jonathan moved to the city of dreams, New York City. There, he took his passion for fitness to the next level by obtaining official certification as a personal trainer and gaining experience at various facilities. Through Continuing Education Courses (CECs), he acquired extensive skills, including Self-Myofascial Release (SMR) and Muay Thai Kickboxing, making his training sessions fun, motivational, and hardcore!

His talents quickly caught the attention of the fitness world, leading him to debut in his first-ever infomercial for the Ab Coaster, broadcast in the United Kingdom. With newfound opportunities and job offers, Jonathan made a name for himself and had exciting opportunities to work with Adidas (King of the bounce) and Dodge, shooting in New York City and Los Angeles.

Jonathan's journey as a personal trainer, actor, and music producer continues to unfold with bright prospects on the horizon. His passion, dedication, and pursuit of excellence have paved the way for a future filled with more thrilling opportunities and successes. As he continues to inspire and transform lives with his training expertise, Jonathan remains true to his dream of creating a better life for himself and his family.

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